Tuesday 30 December 2014

German Gold. Russian Gold...................from Rico

Roughly $64 million worth of physical Gold has just left the vaults of the FRBNY.

After Holland repatriated it's 122.5 tons of Gold, came the Germans who just repatriated 44 tons of its Gold to Frankfurt.

This apparently left behind a "mess" of paper derivatives. About 100 paper ounces of Gold to one ounce of repatriated physical Gold.

Coincidentally the Ministry of Truth, doing the bidding of JP Morgan and/or the USG, told the public that Russia was selling its Gold to raise capital.
- This was a lie. Russia was selling, but it was selling US bonds not Gold.

Like inflation, unemployment, GDP...or Gold, does anyone still believe anything that comes out of the government's mouth?
- If Barry were on TV saying the sun had risen in the East, I'd go to the window and look for myself before I'd believe it.

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