
Friday, 14 November 2014

Late News...............

Tiny amount of Fukushima radiation reaches West Coast; does it worry you?

Tycoon’s ex-wife says $1 billion divorce settlement not enough

An Interrogat​or Breaks His Silence

The End of NATO by VDH

Pelosi Caught in Most Incompeten​t Lie of the Year?

'Louisiana Laugher': Cassidy up by 16 in GOP internal poll

Mysterious submarine illegally entered Swedish waters, officials say

House approves Keystone XL pipeline, Senate up next

US officials say ISIS leader survived airstrike, audio tape emerges

Cat obsessivel​y flicking paper totally understand​s your boredom at work

To Bill O'Reilly: It's the Humiliatio​n, Stupid

Reddit CEO explains resignatio​n: 'I'm basically completely worn out'

Krauthammer Goes There

Obama veto looms as U.S. House votes for Keystone XL pipeline

America’s Newest Destroyer Is Already Outdated

Russia Will Build First Hypersonic Missile Before 2020

How Well Does China Control Its Military?

Stopping terrorists is not as easy as Cameron thinks

Boko Haram take control of Chibok

Iraq troops gain 'full control' of Baiji oil town

Will the newly elected Congress push Obama into being tougher on Iran's nuclear weapons program?

GOP must be rock steady to fight the spin

Mitch McConnell is the Shutdown Clown in the Establishment’s growing circus of Clowns—all performing under a “big tent.”

POLL: 39% of Young Americans Don't Want to Work

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