Nigerian military claims killing of Boko Haram leader's 'impersonator'
4 Reasons Israel’s Future Looks Bright as the New Jewish Year Begins
Venice to shut Grand Canal access Sept. 29 for Clooney wedding
Fear gauge jumps 25% as Dow dips 250 points
Belgian Brewery Aims To Build a Beer Pipeline
Security experts scramble to plug "bash bug" hole
Gas prices headed below $3 a gallon
You need more exercise this will help your heart
Military to allow undocumented immigrants to serve
University of Michigan says that withholding sex is sexual violence
Look, no hands! Woman is filmed downing a pint in just 5.5 seconds
Chumuckla Redneck Christmas Parade Cancelled, Has Become ‘Trashy Beer Fest’
Wounded vets stay in paradise on condo owners' dime and are loving it
Theo, thanks for the Kangaroo jump link. My heart rate is going up.