
Friday, 26 September 2014

Overnight News...............

Nigerian military claims killing of Boko Haram leader's 'impersonator'

4 Reasons Israel’s Future Looks Bright as the New Jewish Year Begins

Venice to shut Grand Canal access Sept. 29 for Clooney wedding

Fear gauge jumps 25% as Dow dips 250 points

Belgian Brewery Aims To Build a Beer Pipeline

Security experts scramble to plug "bash bug" hole

Gas prices headed below $3 a gallon

You need more exercise this will help your heart

Military to allow undocument​ed immigrants to serve

University of Michigan says that withholdin​g sex is sexual violence

Look, no hands! Woman is filmed downing a pint in just 5.5 seconds

Chumuckla Redneck Christmas Parade Cancelled, Has Become ‘Trashy Beer Fest’

Wounded vets stay in paradise on condo owners' dime and are loving it

1 comment:

  1. NaCly Dog14:52

    Theo, thanks for the Kangaroo jump link. My heart rate is going up.
