
Sunday, 28 September 2014

Delusional​, or worse................from Rico

Do NOT expect to see this photo anytime in the MSM (aka Ministry of Truth, PR Organ of the DNC, and defender of the regime).

It is simply delusional for the 'authorities' to classify the Oklahoma beheading as "workplace violence" and not call it what it is: "typical violent Islamic behavior."
- Remember the Muslim Major Nidal who shot and killed and/or wounded his fellow soldiers in the name of Islam? Barry's regime called that "workplace violence" also. [btw - this killer hasn't been tried for his murderous crime yet, DoD apparently dares not humiliate Barry and Islam by exposing the truth of the matter.]

It could be something far worse, however.
- There is a radical Marxist Muslim residing a 1600 Pennsylvania Ave who is setting the agenda and the tone. One who has by word and deed demonstrated his loyalty to the death cult otherwise called Islam (piss be upon it).

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous20:35

    These extreme Muslims want media coverage. They will start beheading journalists to get it.
