
Tuesday, 6 May 2014

When "backward" is called "forward".​..................from Rico

Thank you Jimmuh Carter for the Federal Dept of Education. - They've been a poster child demonstrating that anything government handles is made worse than it was before. Thank you unionized Educators of America for brilliant concepts like Ebonics. You have done for education what the UAW did for Detroit. - Large segments of the population cannot articulate their thoughts nor be understood by the rest of us. Thank you "progressives" for the incredibly dim-witted 'Common Core.' - This promises to erase any gains made in education since the turn of several centuries ago. This is a perfect example of when moving 'backward' is sold as 'forward' and 'splains why Erica's mother couldn't spell Erica, and also clarifies why Erica's brood have even dumber unintelligible names of their own. - I guess 'forward' to a true "progressive" is when people start grunting at one another from trees instead of delivering commentary worthy of the House of Commons.

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