Those who follow commodities will remember the London Gold Pool, and more to the point the ultimate failure of this price-rigging scheme.
History, while not exactly repeating, is rhyming pretty well these days as we see a 'new' charade of price manipulation in what some have called the New York Gold Pool (aka the Cartel, the Wise Guys, et al).
The recent sharp decline in the Dollar Index (the USD hit a 'new' 16-month low) must have terrified these Masters of the Universe, as the notional source of their power and influence is the unbacked fiat Dollar.
- So, almost daily now we have seen "someone who does not want Gold to trade above $1315/oz (or Silver above $20/0z)" very obviously smashing the spot price down via HFT and classic Cartel "Algoriths" [read: front running and dumping massive amounts of naked paper to drive the markets].
The Stalingradesque financial carnage and blood caused by the Wise Guys manipulation tactics will ultimately fail, and we will see the collapse of the New York Gold Pool charade just as we saw the collapse of the London Gold Pool years earlier.
Meanwhile, here in the trenches, 'ya just gotta LOVE these "freely traded" markets...
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