
Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Healthcare reform you can BELIEVE in.................from Rico

Boy, the folks at Deutsche Bank must be a whole LOT dumber than the folks that not only elected, but reelected, that Barry guy!

Why, they are SO dumb [rhetorical: "How dumb are they?"] that they actually looked closely at what global healthcare costs were by country, and ranked them.

Of course, they were politically-correct enough to NOT say that, Obamacare ONLY is good for the well-heeled and well-connected special interests, much like QE was. And just as with QE, Main Street takes it up the wazoo with ACA/Obamacare/Obamafraud

...whatever you call this steaming piece of legislation that BOTH the Democrats (C...for communists) and the Republicans (A...for assholes) dumped on the public.

- DB also did not address the monopolistic, influence-peddling, and conflicting interests of ALL involved...but YOU will all 'get' it in the end nonetheless.

Oh yeah, just like all the rest of his Communist BS, this IS healthcare reform you can believe in.

- Lambchops, meet Mr Wolf.

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