
Friday, 4 April 2014

Late News..............

Poor Thing - This girl freaks out over a hail storm we had yesterday.

Blood moon eclipse on April 15 is a special event

Obama Channels Stalin in Rose Garden Speech

Federal Judge Sending "Muslim Mafia" Case to Trial

Hillary decries 'partisans​hip'

'Opie And Anthony': 'I Don't Know Why We're Not Having A Revolution​' Over Obamacare

U.S. Accidentally Repatriates Israeli Spy To Iran

Perks Are For Perps With The Right Pigmentation

RON HART: Uber versus Goobers

British Sniper Sets New Long Distance Kill Shot Record - 8,120 Feet

Kerry's Folly

Inmates getting coverage under ObamaCare, as states shift cost to feds

Democrat Jim Moran: Congressme​n Underpaid

Vote to Hold Lois Lerner in Contempt of Congress Scheduled for Next Thursday

The Biggest Healthcare Scandal You’ve Never Heard About

New revelation​s about mom killed by Capitol cops

Georgia set to get back its 2nd amendment rights

US ship captain recounts 18-day ordeal as hostage of crack-smok​ing Nigerian pirates

Major Setback for Amnesty Push

2014 Realtree Girl Camo Swimsuits Out

Power Offers Capitulation to the Palestinians

The story of a president and prime minister who turned out to be spies!

Obama’s not-for-prime-time ultimate Selfie

North Korea's Drones: Threat or No Threat?

South Korea finds images of presidential residence on Kim Jong-un's drones

and finally...........

A chance to move on by Caroline Glick

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