Thursday 27 February 2014


I'm just going to throw this one out there and see what y'all have to say about it . . .



Anonymous said...

It is coming, hitler did not get it done but islam will. Like they have not been doing that for the last 1400 years or so.
America was the ONLY hope to stop it, however not now with the BBFN in the oral office in dc.

Anonymous said...

And the current front runners for the Darwin Award are .....

Minicapt said...

If they had more gunners,they could fire it more often.


Anonymous said...

well, long ago and far away in the Malone Complex, we were taught, as young 11H's that your could fire the weapon indoors in a MOUT situation, but you had to wear double hearing protection (which they never explained) and had to have a certain amount of ventilation out the back of the room to attenuate the back blast so it wouldn't kill you...

since the cameraman appeared to escape, this was apparently survivable, if not well thought out.

my first beef would be the unstable weapon mount... after that, the list is long, but what do you expect for that part of the world?

Bugsy said...

the only thing missing was "hey, watch this!" b4 he lit it off

Anonymous said...

"Hey, hold my beer and watch this!" would be more appropriate.

Lazarus Long