Wednesday 26 February 2014


The Israeli Solution by Caroline Glick

Presbyteri​an College Play Encourages Women To Find Strength Through The "C*nt Chant"

Grandpa picks up wrong kid from Sterling school

End of American Military Dominance

Drug Rationing for Seniors Begins

Federal Reserve to Cut Off Europe to Support U.S. Borrowing

Georgia Bill Strikes Major Blow to 'Gun Free Zones'

Dartmouth College Libs Threaten Violence If School Doesn’t Pay Reparations For Racist Atmosphere…

Meet the Richerals

Israel Launches Major Air Strikes Against a Strangely Quiet Hezbollah

The $250 Million Racial Racketeeri​ng Scam

Obama Administration Ignores Russian Nuclear Violations

Pentagon Contractors Exploring Business with Iran

The Hate Crime Double Standard - Eagle Rising

Judge Orders Justina Pelletier Into Foster Care

Obama to Karzai: Time running out for security deal

The Great Disappoint​ment of 2013

The Art Acevedo Defense: At Least My Minions Didn't Rape Her

Great Gouda! World's oldest cheese found - on mummies

Spy tactics in Swiss bank's tax scheme

How low can Hague go?

Gold Country couple discovers $10 million in buried coins

Be Not Amused

The 50 Best Tweets About King Karl Hess, The Notorious R.E.F.

John Derbyshire​: "Racism" (The Word) Becoming Obsolete Because Of Racism-Ant​i-White, That Is

Secrets of a Naked Yoga Model

Watters' World: Food stamp surfer edition

Death by Obamacare

America’s Provocative Weakness

Gutting the Army

The 'Before Obama' and 'After Obama' history lesson for school children

Syrian-Lebanese border partly erased by hectic war traffic. Israeli air strike Monday mostly inside Syria

Inside an Iranian Prison

Teenage Jihadists, Car Burnings and Muslim-Only Cemeteries

For your hands only: Bond-style ‘smart gun’ controlled solely by owner is now real

Why China Isn't Interested in a South China Sea Code of Conduct

North Korean Naval Patrol Boat Enters South Korean Waters

Be wary of Vladimir Putin – not frightened of him

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