
Saturday, 22 February 2014


Why I Carry A .45 (If you shoot someone with a .25 and they find out about it, they are gonna be pissed!)

Philip Seymour Hoffman - Another Celebrity Junkie Kicks The Bucket

Hypocrisy, thy name is John Kerry

Rousing the Americans from their slumber by Caroline Glick

CDR Salamander​: Fullbore Friday

Argghhh! The Home Of Two Of Jonah's Military Guys.. - Heh

Girl Scout Does Brisk Business Selling Cookies Outside San Francisco Pot Club

Inside The Army's Spectacula​r, Hidden Treasure Room

U.S. Naval Intelligen​ce Chief Confirms Worst Fears of China's Military Buildup

Code Name: Johnny Walker

Things I learned during the Alabama Legislatur​e's Ten Commandmen​ts debate today

Japan mystery: Anne Frank's diary torn apart

Fed releases transcript​s of unfolding 2008 crisis

WSJ to Kerry: Flat Earthers were the "consensus​" position

The DC-10 makes its final regular passenger flight

For F/A-18 Super Hornet, the end may be on the horizon

The Astonishin​g Growth of American Gun Culture, In Three Graphs

Apocalypse soon: Ukrainian president reportedly flees Kiev

Austin cops ignore violent urban crime to focus on...

Boko Haram attacks Borno and threatens the Niger Delta

White House Fails Econ 101. Seriously.

Caracas-based blogger: Venezuela has imploded, video shows cops shooting civilians

Venezuela revokes CNN journalists’ press credentials for ‘war propaganda’

The Air-Sea Battle Debate Heats Up

Venezuela: the Left's favourite 'socialist paradise' is sliding into poverty and dictatorship

Iran boosts support to Syria

Mugabe warns would-be successors

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