
Thursday 13 February 2014


Tweedledu​m and Tweedledum​ber - French Surrender Monkey Is Obama's New BFF

China’s Big Overseas Spending Spree

Porn users don't realise they are being watched

Birther Report Blog Was Taken Down Saturday; What Next?

Walmart Linked To Higher Crime Rates: Study

Boyles: Obama Has Social Security Number That Ain't His; Investigat​or Explains

Democrats Who Oppose Keystone XL Pipeline Own Shares in Competing Companies

Lawmaker: Iran Deal Still ‘Shrouded in Secrecy’

Winter Olympics Sochi 2014: 'Russian women are notoriousl​y sexual. Stop judging us'

Firefox will start running ads in the browser

BDS on a Roll? Not So Fast

Obama’s surgeon general nominee Dr. Vivek Murthy is a radical gun grabber

Mardi Gras float builder puts final touches on his creations in Mobile

Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson says 'no' to Louisiana Senate run despite poll showing he'd defeat incumbent

Former New Orleans mayor Ray Nagin convicted of conspiracy, bribery charges

Delayed Mandate: No, It’s Not Okay

The martyrdom of Mark Steyn

Obama’s Newspeak: The meaning of words, and history itself, are malleable when it comes to our president and his record

Should the President Be Impeached? The Obama Precedent and defunding the IRS.

Syrian-Hizballah forces massed to storm Yabroud, last rebel holdout in Qalamoun range

"F**k the EU" Is Right: The World Would Be Better Off Without It

Venezuela coup? Gunfire, clashes as 3 dead in violent Caracas protest

The Maritime Silk Road Vs. The String of Pearls

Fury after Argentina orders cruise liner to lower UK flag

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