Wednesday 26 February 2014

And here I almost forgot.....................from Rico

Reminding us all of the eminently forgettable........

Gee, I didn't miss him at all...there are so many running around these days, who'd even notice one of them was missing?

It's sure a good thing Rev Je$$ie 'Race-pimp' Jackson is around to remind us that it's been a couple years since the librul's St Trayvon was canonized (pun intended).

- The irony of one black lying-thieving POS memorializing another black thieving POS is.....well, that's what Black History month has become under the Big Kahuna of black lying-thieving POS Barry O-hole.

And NO [for you PC korrectniks] is is not racist to call a spade a spade, if it is in fact a spade.

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