Wednesday 8 January 2014

Was this a clever plan?....................from Rico

For those familiar with "The Black Adder" ObamaCare might be seen as one of Baldrick's "clever plans".....I see it as a typical statist "trap" if not a bait-and-switch that was a bad idea even more badly executed.
- And there are a lot of LoFo's (Low Information Voters) thinking this was a big broken promise for 'free' stuff.

They are the very people who have been inundated with the Big Government propaganda that "Walmart is BAD" because it is so big, but that making Big Government bigger will solve all problems. Take healthcare.
- Walmart offers its employees better coverage at a lower cost than the donkeys who foisted that steaming pile of crap legislation upon the public known as ObamaCare.

So go ahead LoFo's take a big bite of that Government cheese that is not cheese, but something else.
- America, you have been 'had' in the vilest sense.....

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