Wednesday 8 January 2014

Hardliner Lieberman, Israel's FM, Drinks the Kool-Aid........................from Dan Friedman

[Can you say hardliner in Hebrew? One by one, Israeli hawks are miraculously transforming themselves into doves. Shades of Sharon’s disastrous “disengagement” from Gaza and Netanyahu who left the government after it was a fait accompli. No doubt some of Israel’s best friends will lay this off on “American pressure.” A strange alibi for a country with the region’s most robust economy, a world-class army, and - so I’ve been told – a gaggle of fully operational nuclear weapons. Makes me wonder what these Israeli “patriots” found under their Christmas tree.
Watch, it won’t be long before shtarker Moshe "Boogie" Ya'alon starts to sprout fluffy white feathers too – opening the gates for the rest of the nominal right to capitulate soon thereafter.  df]

WSJ, Middle East News, January 8, 2014
Mr. Lieberman seems to have made an about-face by giving repeated public endorsements of Mr. Kerry's diplomacy
By Joshua Mitnick
TEL AVIV—U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry appears to have won over an unlikely Israeli ally in his quest for an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal: Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman.

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