Saturday 11 May 2013

Saturday Night is Bath Night.........

Poster: New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and gun control!...from TPC

Great poster that examines Mayor Bloomberg of New York's position on gun control and the obvious fallacy of his argument (not this one).

Video, Cartoon: Hey recent college graduate, congratulations? (Hilarious)...from TPC

Great cartoon that depicts the plight being faced by recent college graduates when it comes to entering the real world saddled with huge amounts of student loan debt!

Bonus Totty................

Cartoon Round Up....

PJTV: Benghazi: If Only Charles Ramsey Were Secretary of State, Not Hillary Clinton

Charles Ramsey earned national fame for answering Amanda Berry's call for help. AlfonZo Rachel wonders why the Obama Administration did not answer Ambassador Chris Stevens call when he alerted the government that America was under attack by radical jihadists. Is it time to appoint more men like Ramsey to Obama's cabinet? Find out.

Ann Barnhardt. Brilliant.....................from Rico

Ann Barnhardt has outdone herself with this one found on her website today
I have been a fan of this woman's sheer intellect for years, and I absolutely love that she does not mince (or parse) her words.
- This piece is a supreme example of 'thinking' and of 'saying' what others understand...but are afraid to articulate.
Having often bemused my British friends by observing that Maggie Thatcher was the best man they have produced since Winnie Churchill, in all fairness let me add: Ann Barnhardt may be the best man in contemporary America.

Pic Dump...............


Chess and the Navy, Samuel Reshevsky

Aerial Friendly Fire Incident Ends With Medal, Promotion

US woman assaults cop to quit smoking

First responder in West, Texas explosion arrested for "possessio​n of destructiv​e device"

Russia Plans No New Arms Sales to Syria

Living on Taxes

IRS: Oh, by the way, we improperly targeted conservati​ve and tea-party groups last year

Guest Post by ET1 Jeff Anderson: Enabling Deckplate Innovation

FBI to Boston: You knew about Tsarnaev from JTTF files

Shock: MSNBC Says Benghazi Potential Impeachmen​t Issue

White House Holds Secret Meeting with Reporters

SEAL Families Looking for Answers

UN Peacekeepers In Sudan Fail to Protect Black African Tribal Chief From Arab Militia Executioners

Benghazi and Boston: Maintaining the Momentum

The Rogue Helping Obama Steal America

Military Affairs: The IDF's silent attack force

Navy’s top officer: Global surge ability lessened, but Pacific ops restored

Will Russia Provide S-300 Air-Defenses to Syria?

Meet Iran’s “Carrier Killer”: The Khalij Fars

H/T DJ Elliott

Saturday Totty..............

Friday 10 May 2013

Bedtime Totty................

Late News................

NGOs vs. those who serve Israel

UN’s Richard Falk Again Calls Boston Attack “Resistance” to U.S. “Military Undertakings”

New Details Challenge Administra​tion Claims on Disputed Benghazi Memos

The Humiliation of John Kerry

Security concerns after 500 pounds of still-miss​ing explosives stolen from federal bunker

FBI defends not sharing terror warnings with Boston

Benghazi: A Smoking Gun

ABC Video: Benghazi Talking Points Underwent 12 Revisions; Scrubbed Terror Reference

Who Is Giving White House Orders to CBS News on Benghazi?

Requiem for a Grand Old Party

Is Benghazi Obama's Watergate?

Obama's Demeaning Commenceme​nt Address

McConnell Demands WH Review of IRS Abuse

Biden Wandering Off the Reservation

BBC Apologizes for Benghazi Coverage: Hillary In Trouble, 'Heads Will Roll'

Benghazi and Boston: Maintaining the Momentum

The Rogue Helping Obama Steal America

US envoy Ford’s secret crossing into Syria. Turkey’s “chemical dossier” for Obama

Iran unveils ‘Epic’ new drone Amazing what you can can do with a bit of balsa wood!! How big is the rubber band?

F-35 JSF: “A Phenomenal Flying Machine”

Imran Khan gets late surge ahead of election Nothing like 'falling' down a set of stairs to get the sympathy vote.

BLACKFIVE: Expendable

CDR Salamander​: Fullbore Friday

Gallup shock: Just 7% following Kermit Gosnell abortion trial 'very closely'

Obama donors: Nixing the Keystone pipeline is comparable to Lincoln ending slavery, or something

US military units put on alert as security situation deteriorat​es in Libyan capital

Darrell Issa: My committee will "aggressiv​ely follow up" on the IRS's political thuggery

The "New" Army song

Video: LA DPW insults Japanese-A​mericans?

Reason: Three reasons Benghazi matters

Argghhh! The Home Of Two Of Jonah's Military Guys.. - Think You Hate Morning Commutes?

Congresswo​man Victim of 'Make Her Famous' Campaign

Late Pic Dump..............

NRA Life of Duty | A Tribute to Chris Kyle

From the 2013 NRA Annual Meetings in Houston, Texas:
Christopher Scott "Chris" Kyle was a US Navy SEAL and known as one of the most decorated snipers in American history. He was a veteran and a warrior, but many knew him as an extremely loving husband and father. "The best way to describe Chris," his wife, Taya, says, "is extremely multifaceted".

To the husbands and wives of our nation's service members, thank you for your unyielding pride, patience and sacrifice - and for supporting those who support our country.

LOW friends in HIGH places?....................from Rico

Congratulations arein order for those two TBTF banking behemoths JP Morgan and Bank of America for having absolutely PERFECT trading records for 1Q!

- I mean 100% perfect, not one day of 'loss' in the entire first quarter's tradng. Day traders can only look on with sheer envy, and Mom & Pop retail investors who are not 'connected' had better steer clear of this casino.

So, are these guys good, or what?

The "or what" is this:

- While it's GOOD to have friends in high places, it's even BETTER to have loyal retainers there.

Business 'as usual' continues in the obviously 'rigged' markets

The 'Ben' speaks. Classic paper raid. Staged.......................from Rico

Another 'classic' Cartel 'staged' operation centered upon RUMINT (rumor passing for intelligence) that the FED may 'taper' it's QEternity.

- Oh, the hilarity! As if the FED can do anything but continue being the money fairy and do even more QE...because to do otherwise would surely crash everything.

The 'timing' was set around Ben's speech at the SIFI conference in Chicago, and the precious metals were clearly 'raided' in the finest Chicago-style drive-by the crooks could muster.

While the FTV shills falsely call the paper 'raid' on paper Gold and paper Silver anything BUT what it really is, they also provide 'cover for action' for this collusive and criminal manipulation.

The message is clear: equities GOOD and are on a 'tear' and you don't want to "miss" this opportunity (never mind that this is a FED-fueled Ponzi scam which will burn everyone who buys the argument and becomes the 'greater fool'), and bullion is BAD and 'risky' so stay away from it!

- Sure. Riiight. Just try and locate, much less buy, a quantity of physical bullion for immediate delivery at these faux-paper 'spot' prices. You won't find any, but take comfort in the prettily-engraved non-redeemable fiat you burns well, and has 'other' practical uses that you'd otherwise be using your hand for.

American Crossroads: Benghazi

H/Ts Doverthere & Glenwood

Bonus Totty................

Cartoon Round Up....

"This is Not a Test" Intellectual Froglegs #28

A Nazi lesson about 'creeping' Sharia!...from TPC

While not all Muslims are violent extremists in the same way that not all Germans werte Nazis, in the end that fact may not matter.

Pic Dump...............

Cleveland Kidnapper Not a Jihadi But He is a Democrat...................from Dan Friedman

Can’t we figure out something to ban after this heinous crime?
From the People’s Cube:


LT Janis Harrington Honored

In The Kitchen (Rule 5)

BLACKFIVE: Big Army Goes Overboard for Political Correctnes​s

CDR Salamander​: McCain Pauses to Notice LCS?

US Religious Freedom Commission Won't Touch Sharia

Department Of Education Repaces “Father” And “Mother” On Student Aid Forms With “Parent 1” And “Parent 2”…

Rep. Trey Gowdy Unloads Unreleased Email Exposing Benghazi Coverup

Blue Angels aviators' tours extended

Destroying our country, our military and our very existence

Blaming America

Missile Defense Head Says Doesn't Need Extra $250M for East Coast Interceptor Site Work

Obamastan by Melanie Phillips

Canadian’s violent death in Sicily ambush a sign Montreal’s mob war has spread

War Angst and Karaoke: Daily Life as Bizarre As it Gets in South Korea

Turkish Airlines wipes staff lipstick ban

Bangladesh building collapse death toll passes 1,000

BENGHAZI SCANDAL! (Featuring Andrew Klavan) - Steven Crowder

A Stain on her Record

Red Friday Totty..................