
Thursday, 7 March 2013


H/T Doverthere

Bedtime Totty............

The Dogs of War are Barking


By Alan Caruba

On March 5 the following were headlines and links on The Drudge Report and, when you put them together they add up to the greatest potential for World War III that the world has seen in a while.

In Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar”, Marc Antony, mourning the fallen dictator, says “Cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war.”

Globally, there is always a lot of aggressive and defensive talk of war, but occasionally it boils up into action that everyone says was inevitable in retrospect because of the many signs leading up to it.

There are signs everywhere you look these days. On March 6 an unnamed spokesman in North Korea’s foreign ministry said that it would launch “a preemptive nuclear attack” on the United States as the United Nations readied more sanctions. The young North Korean dictator is sending all manner of signals, including an announcement that he regards the long truce between the two Koreas as no longer in force.

It is unlikely North Korea would act on this without China’s permission and the last thing China wants is a million North Korean refugees flooding over the border. China has enough problems without that. They include a growing cohort of young men (18 to 25) without enough women to marry. Historically, that is always a recipe for trouble, either internally or externally, or both. China is also facing a housing bubble after building entire suburbs filled with buildings that are empty.

America, however, looks increasingly weak and President Obama has been doing his best to reduce the U.S. nuclear arsenal and reduce our troop strength. The U.S. has been steadily engaged in war in the Middle East since shortly after 9/11 in 2001 and much of our nation’s machinery of war is worn out and in need of repair or replacement.

Of greatest concern to the world is a nuclear-armed Iran and it is very much to their advantage to gain nuclear status with which to threaten the entire Middle Eastern. With its missiles, it can reach Europe as well. It has long been on record threatening to destroy Israel and Israel has a history of destroying nuclear facilities in Iraq and Syria in past years. The warnings about a nuclear Iran are increasing, but they are also largely being ignored, except for sanctions and rhetoric.

When the U.S. makes it known that it cannot or will not deploy a second carrier group to the Persian Gulf, it emboldens the Iranian ayatollahs. The inability or unwillingness to project power is always an invitation to aggression.

Nations in Europe, Greece, Italy, Spain, and others are on shaky ground financially. The U.S. mirrors their situation. That kind of vulnerability puts bad thoughts in the minds of men who would want to seize power as dictators or conquerors.

For those of us old enough to remember World War II, it puts us in mind of the way Europe had been at war for three years since 1939 until the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 brought the U.S. into the war. The warnings regarding Nazi Germany’s military buildup had been ignored. One wonders how America with a $16 trillion debt could mobilize to meet the challenge of a major war anywhere, especially when it is trying to withdraw from the Middle East as quickly as possible after squandering billions there.

The United Nations will prove, as usual, utterly useless in deterring either a big or small war should one break out. It is an utterly corrupt international institution, one that fosters the global warming hoax, has sided with the Palestinians for decades against Israel, and seeks to become a global government.

This is not to say that war will break out tomorrow, but it is to say that a variety of factors are combining to increase the potential of war at a time when the financial stability of the U.S., Europe, and by extension the entire world is very shaky.

When you add in a President who disdains both the Constitution and the normal relationship with Congress, and appoints men like John Kerry, Chuck Hagel, and John Brennan to positions of power, the situation grows increasingly dangerous.

Late News...........

A Government to be Feared

How a Pope is elected

Scientists​: Vikings' 'mythical' sunstone found

Gun Control on the Menu at the Senate Judiciary Committee Today

OFA: The Organizing of America

Beautifully Medieval California

Kerry Stammers: 'Can't Answer' Why No One Allowed To Interview Benghazi Survivors

Cook Co. to begin posting photos of unclaimed bodies online

Dennis Rodman experiences a media double standard

North Korea: tough new sanctions

Falkland islands referendum: Argentina preparing for bad news

Muslim Imam Claims Women Who Don’t Wear Hijabs are “Asking to be Raped”, Arrested for Trying to Rape Woman

Obama: “I Don’t Believe People Should Be Able To Own Guns,”

Secret Obama Group Won’t Disclose Secret Meeting Location

History Lesson: The Battle of Java Sea

Report: North Korea Expanding Perimeter Around Infamous Camp 14 by 20km

What to Make of China’s Defense Spending Increase

Who is General Welfare

The slow slide into dictatorship

Stopping White House Tours Saves Only $18K per Week

Holder: Obama Can’t Kill Non-Combatant Americans

Osama bin Laden’s son-in-law and spokesman captured, U.S. says

KS Sec. of State, Kris Kobach: DHS Release of Illegal Immigrants “a Brazen Abuse of Power”, “Impeachment Stuff” (Audio)

Police Nationwide Say "You're On Your Own" @Project_Veritas

Project Veritas visited police stations nationwide and asked law enforcement officials how they could protect themselves in the event of an armed break-in. "Go get some bleach. Go get ammonia," one officer instructed. Yet another officer instructed the undercover journalist to, "lock yourself in a bedroom" and "start yelling and screaming." H/T Doverthere

Late Pic Dump............

Bonus Totty...........

Cartoon Round Up....

Video: Does anyone else find this Pop Tart commercial disturbing?...from TPC

I find this Pop Tarts photo booth television commercial somewhat disturbing. Is it my persecution complex or do I have a point?

Pic Dump..............

Let them eat......................from Rico

Let them eat...IKEA or IKAKA? IKEA chocolate cakes have been withdrawn from 23 countries after the Chinese discovered fecal contamination in them. - How bad does it have to be when the CHINESE call you on food contamination? This just days after their trademark meatballs in EUrope were found to contain horsemeat...

God Bless Her............


Alo Presidente, Alo Caudillo

Sequesterm​ania: White House calligraph​ers making $277,000 as WH public tours are suspended

Stunned Cuba ponders future without Chavez

WaPo: Yep, White House is still lying about janitors

Instant View: Oil analysts' reaction to death of Venezuela'​s Chavez

Paradise Lost - California is not too big to fail

Budget Politics By Thomas Sowell

Crisis in Syria - Civil war spreads as rebels detain U.N. personnel, attack Syrian troops in Iraq

Trigger-happy cops on dog-shooting spree

'Defence cuts could undermine Nato and Special Relationship'

Kenyan presidential running mate alleges vote 'doctoring'

North Korea conducting unusual military drills

Washington spending axe fell... and nothing much happened

Chavez and his friends are the axis of absurdity

N. Korea threatens ‘pre-emptive’ nuclear strike against US

Europe Rolls Over for Hezbollah Blackmail

How Many Women Will Obama’s Freed Illegal Detainees Rape?

What Fracking Means for Southeast Asia

Released Criminals Hired by TSA—Federal Workers Fired—An Exclusive Report

White House Suddenly Shifts Strategy

Sad humor: Kim Jong-Un v. Barack Obama...from TPC

Kim Jong-Un was put into a position of military power by his father until ultimately becoming the leader of North Korea when Kim Jong-il died. 

This happened although Jong-un had absolutely no experience as a leader militarily or otherwise.That could never happen in the United States could it?

Thursday Totty............

H/T DJ Elliott

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

"The Green Panther Pervert Jihad Party" - Wild Bill

Bedtime Totty............

Late News.............

Hugo Chavez Kicks The Bucket - Socialists Mourn Their Celebrity Tyrant

A Tale Of Two Cities

GOP Sen. Ted Cruz Gets Holder To Admit That Killing Americans With Drones On U.S. Soil Is Unconstitu​tional

Academy right on Shin Bet film

Syria 'top destination for jihadists'

Desert Rats' disgust at army cuts

N. Korea imposes 'no-fly, no-sail zones off both coasts'

Report: Libyan Officials Warned of Imminent Benghazi Attack

Arms Race: 21st Century Style

North Korea Threatens War

Dictators not immune to the Grim Reaper

Congressman Offers Amendment Defunding Obama’s Golf

Snow Chases Away Carney

NO, it's NOT.......................from Rico

NO, it's NOT different this time. Enjoying the quite hilarious 'headlines' of the Dow at all-time highs? Consider that the Dow is down ~50% vs. Gold snce the last "record Dow" in October 2007. Despite the FED 'creating' $118 million/hour [that's $85 billion/year for morons like Congresscritters and the OMB]: - Stock prices may be rocketing to new nominal high's, but the economy remains in a deleveraging cycle, wages and salaries as a percentage of GDP are declining, housing remains depressed, energy is increasingly expensive, employment remains in the dumper, and food stamp use keeps increasing. This is not the foundation fr a recovery o a strong is classic 'spin' or MOPE (management of perception economics). - An illuson. A fantasy. A lie. Oh, I almost forgot....with this DJIA 'all-time high' chatter from the teleprompter readers, more suckers are being lured into the market while the 'insiders' are busy bailing-out of it.

Late Pic Dump..........

Obamanomics: Higher Taxes & Record Revenues Produce Massive Deficits

President Obama got his precious tax hikes on the rich. In fact, tax revenues are surging, and the rich are paying a greater share of tax revenues than ever before. So why is the federal government running trillion dollar annual deficits? Find out on this Trifecta.

“Not A War, A One-Night Operation"..................fom Dan Friedman

Former Head of IDF Military Intelligence, Amos Yadlin, spoke at the annual AIPAC conference in Washington on Monday. Thisshort news story and short imbedded video is an eye-opener since Yadlin sings a very different tune than that of other retired Israeli intelligence chiefs who have come out recently against an attack on Iran. Perhaps the timing is a coincidence, but high-level American officials including SOS John Kerry, and Marine Corps Gen. James N. Mattis have been ratcheting up their rhetoric too.

Words That Heal

Bonus Totty...........

Gun Control Works................

H/T Shelly

Cartoon Round Up....

Obama may step down.................

WASHINGTON, DC - Sources close to the White House have learned that Barack Obama is planning to run for the office of Pope when the College of Cardinals convenes to elect a successor to ailing Benedict XVI at the end of this month. Calling on the promise of Equality for All, Obama is said to firmly believe that the time has come for a non-Catholic to occupy the Vatican's highest office.

Foreseeing a looming citizenship issue, he states that he has discovered an Italian birth certificate that proves he was born in Rome before he was born in Kenya. "That Hawaiian birth certificate never has been worth what I paid for it, anyway", he noted.

Continuing, he concluded, "And there's no way that a handful of cardinals could be more expensive to buy than 10 million voters in Michigan, Ohio, Virginia and Florida."

Further questions should be directed to Obama's Papal Campaign Manager, Abdul Azeem Khan.

H/T Shelly

Pic Dump...........