
Monday, 2 December 2013

Stage Presence..................from Rico

Yes, the TOTUS does have "stage presence" going for him, and precious little else...except the backing of dedicated Communist revolutionaries. While few people actually read 'books' any more, even those who do rarely...if ever...bother to read the forward's to those books. - Take a little-read book, mix it with an even less-read forward and you don't have much public exposure. Consider this 'forward' by American radical Bill Ayers a fine example of this. - Bill Ayers, radical Communist, mentions Frank Davis, a fellow radical Communist, both of whom have ties to the Chicago Cluster of Communists....just like Barry does. Why, if anyone ever 'read' this, it might make them think (or at least go 'Hmmmmmmm?') IF you do not know who Frank Marshal Davis is, look him up. Prominent member of the Communist Party USA (CP-USA) and probable biological father of our lad Barry.


Dan said...

Can you provide a verifiable source for this image....can you prove this is really a "forword" written by Bill Ayers. Or is it just some manufactured fodder that clogs up the internet.

Peyton said...

What book is this a forward to?

John The River said...

Worse than useless, there is no identification of the "book" this supposedly comes from, no source attributed at all.
Anyone stupid enough to repeat one word of this would be properly branded a kook.

No help at all, a fantasy.

Anonymous said...

Rico, I'm on "our" side... but yeah, we need verification for this.

John the River said...

I guess we can file this alongside Barak Obama's Kenyan "Birth Certificate".

We're mad as hell, but we are not stupid.

Eskyman said...

If this is true, it's a bombshell. So where's the link? What's the book?

I'd sure like this to be true, it's what I already have come to believe... but I've got no proof; just logic and reason and probability.

So I agree with everyone here, verification is absolutely necessary. Otherwise this can't be mentioned.