
Wednesday, 11 December 2013

If You Liked Your.....................from Rico

I remember the decorum, the gravitas, the class displayed by all at JFK's final ceremonies. - It was somber. Respectful. At what arguably is THE most visible public memorial since then, what does Barry, Boy-douche nozzle do? - Oh yeah, selfies with Denmark's blonde PM...right next to a visibly unamused FLOTUS, Moochelle herself. And if Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. She was not. Note the change in seating arrangements by frame three of three. [Sound effect - purse snapping violently shut, on his testicles.] - If you liked your seat, you CAN'T keep it! Gawd, karmic irony can be such a bitch! It's probably a good thing for him that he's half-a-fag/bisexual, because he's NOT going to be getting 'lucky' with her for a while after this. Calling Reggie Love! - Really makes you wonder just what drugs this clown ingests...... And global respect for America absolutely (did not) skyrocket. - Again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Er, ah, Michelle, excuse me but I want you to be a part of this.. would you mind taking a picture of the three of us? No? sure I understand.