
Saturday, 9 November 2013


Royal Marine Gets Life For Despatching Insurgent - Tony Blair Just Gets Rich

The greatest threat to Israeli democracy

CDR Salamander​: Fullbore Friday

UC Berkeley, Birthplace of Free Speech, Goes PC-Goofy Over Illegal Aliens!

Steve King: Boehner a Goner if He Touches Amnesty

RON HART: ObamaCare -- the government will mind your business

When mass shootings don't matter to the media

Mullah Fazlullah's appointment indicates business as usual for Pakistani Taliban

Diary of the damned: Never seen before, a lost diary of the Great War so brutally vivid you'll feel YOU are there in the trenches

Obama's Secret Iran Détente

A man’s home is his castle, except in Maryland. Man shoots intruder at 2am, gets charged with murder

Newest victim of ObamaCare: Former MSNBC hosts

Dick Metcalf Response to His Firing from Guns & Ammo

How Can We Possibly Trust Obama on Iran?

Kerry meets Iran foreign minister to close gaps in nuclear talks

It’s Marriage Gap, Not Gender Gap

Fantastic Fall Season in the Great Smoky Mountains

Iran Successfully Plays for Time

Chinese troops will have boots on the ground in Hawaii on Tuesday

American Deserve Real Obama Apology Tour

Israel accuses US of deceit on nuclear deal with Iran. Geneva signing drags out as Iran ups its price

Air-Sea Battle: A Dangerous, Unaffordable Threat

We must fund the Armed Forces properly – before disaster strikes

Ukip isn't racist for talking about immigration. Don't shut down a debate that voters want to have

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