Saturday 23 November 2013

Happy 100th Anniversar​y!.....................from Rico

100 years ago, the perfect "reverse Robin Hood" was created by Warburg and friends (Rothschilds, Rockefellers, et al)...the Federal Reserve System. - It was NOT Federal. - There were NO reserves. - It was (and is) a privately owned, for profit, bank. The sole purpose of this 'system' was to systematically loot the wealth of the American people. - It worked perfectly, but may now be nearing the end of its functionality, so a 'new' way to 'steal from the poor and give to the rich' will have to be implemented soon. Happy 100th Anniversary, FED! - And THANK YOU Congress for imposing this monopoly upon America. How fitting that you just destroyed the Republic and created a Democracy by eliminating Filibuster in the Senate by way of celebrating this anniversary. Now the path is open to become just another 'Democratic' socialist paradise like North Korea, the Congo, East Germany, and well....every other shitstain on humanity's existence.

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