
Saturday, 9 November 2013

Awesome, from a different point of view.......................from Rico

Today I am reminded of Jimmy Buffet's song which he introduces as "love, from a different point of view" the lyrics going something like 'why don't we get drunk and screw?'

- Today's action was simply AWESOME, but from a different point of view. Makes one want to consider getting drunk, since the government is already doing the screwing.

Let me explain:

- Yesterday I mentioned that the 'wise guys' routinely liked to stage paper 'raids' on the COMEX around the NFP report. Gee, who knew? Here they are, bright and early, absolutely monkey-smashing the snot out of the paper spot prices on the CRIMEX as regularly scheduled. This was a breathtakingly AWESOME event, full of sound and fury but signifying nothing. Not ONE physical ounce was sold, this was all paper being dumped.

- Today the media morons are celebrating an "Awesome, Good News" Jobs Report. [Their words, not mine.] Celebrating a 35-year LOW in the Labor Force Participation Rate (it's at the lowest since 1978)? Celebrating nearly one million more people NOT in the labor force? Celebrating that even the heavily 'massaged' and 'cooked' phony BLS 'headline' unemployment rate has risen despite all 'official' efforts to prevent it? Again, what better word for this than AWESOME? [read: awesomely stupid]

- Next, watch for the coming COMEX expiry on Monday 25 November. Want to bet that could be equally AWESOME too?

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