
Monday, 7 October 2013

Yes, please MOVE...................from Rico

When I saw this header on Drudge's site [attached] my first thought was "so THIS is what it looks like when sh has a 'talk' with Barry What's-his-name."

- Then, after I stopped laughing, I read the story which explained that the very useful 'Amber Alert' system was shutdown while the very useless 'Let's Move' website of Moochelle's was still up and running. [one of these is emergency essential, the other is not...if you guessed that Moochelle's ego was essential here, then you understand the priorities of this regime]

"Oh please, PLEASE, do move sweetie...and take the teleprompter accessory with you!" I laughed at my computer screen.

- Laughing even more at the thought of "Let's Move" being fundamentally TRANSFORMED into "Please Move"...well, you can't blame me for HOPEing for a CHANGE!

1 comment:

Minicapt said...

"Mongo like candy-gram".
