
Saturday, 17 August 2013

No Problem!..........................from Rico

Western economies are drowning in a sea of unsustainable (and unrepayable) debt.

- Deficits to GDP and Debt to GDP are both rising... approaching 500% in countries like Japan, Greece, and the USA.

We 'almost' saw it all collapse in 2008, but since then nothing has been changed and nothing has been fixed.

- Stimuless and QE actually made things worse.

Yellen? Summers? Taper? CTRL+P?

- It does not matter now. It will not make any difference. There are not enough lifeboats on the financial "Titanic" and the placement of deck chairs matters not one iota.

There is simply NO fixing this mess now.

- Yet the same 40# brains that created the problem are busy breaking wind and telling the MSM-suckled masses that there is NO PROBLEM.

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