
Saturday, 17 August 2013



Argghhh! The Home Of Two Of Jonah's Military Guys.. - Hmmm...

EagleSpeak​: Friday Fun Film: History of the U.S. Navy 1815 - 1860

Revealed: Area 51 - It does exist

Iraqi Kurdish Forces Help Defend Baghdad

MRAP no good for Korea, 2ID decides

Russian Defense Ministry Delays Deal on MiG-35 Jets

Bryan police: Pot found on man claiming to be Obama's son

As He Guts Military, Obama Is Militarizi​ng Domestic Force

America’s Problems in the Middle East Are Just Beginning

Is This The Smoking Gun Of The United Nations' Disarmament Plan For US

Boom-Boom Palooza 2013

Jesse Jackson Jr. to Grab $8,700 Per Month in Disability​, Plus Pension In Prison

Judge says EPA may have tried to skirt informatio​n law with 'secret' email accounts

Australian, ISAF troops hunt down Afghan soldier involved in 2011 green-on-blue attack

Sad face: Michigan unions lose their right-to-w​ork court challenge

Israel's Merkava tank back in production

3 men, 2 in women's clothing, charged with robbery on Blue Line

Kids make MESS with Blue Angels

Chief Financial Officer Candidate Has Filed Bankruptcy Three Times

British Airways to lay off 255 in Jacksonville

A Tale of Two Rivers

Egypt: All coups end in petty tyranny, however good the intentions

Zimbabwe: Tsvangirai drops court challenge to Mugabe's election win

Smoking Ban: Shipping Shifts to Cleaner Fuel

Lobster, Shrimp, and Oysters!

New ‘Cold War’ between Russia and America in the Land of Pharaohs

Denmark Bans Meatballs to Accommodate Muslims

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