
Thursday, 18 July 2013

The McDonald's Budget...........................from Rico

There has been a lot of 'noise' (mostly negative) about the McDonald's budget. Why? Most people seem incapable of creating their own budget, so a little 'help' should be considered a good thing.

The sample budget actually was a joint effort by VISA and McDonald's, and it's pretty close to the average annual income today of $25k.

Egads! What exactly is wrong with the idea of having a budget?

- Are the objections to needing a second job (if the main job just doesn't pay enough)?

- Maybe the objection is to needing to have a job and actually work at all? Well, never fear...if you're collecting this much in 'benefits' this budget will work just as well for you, and it's better than NO budget at all.

The idea of SAVINGS might also be a 'trigger' for some, as it is a concept that many fail to grasp.

I might quibble that no 'heat' budgeted doesn't look right, although that has reportedly been fixed in a revised version.

- $800 a month in walking-around money also looks funny to me....especially if your income is only $2K a month.

1 comment:

Knucklehead said...

Many elements of the budget are questionable to anyone who lives in most any metropolitan area in the US. And, after all, most Americans live in some metro area.

$600 mortgage/rent?!?! Should be double or triple for any metro area

$150 car payment? Not if you're only saving $100/month. Would never have enough down payment.

Home AND car insurance for $100?!?!? Where?

Health insurance, $20? Generous employer. Very generous.

Cable/phone for $100. Can't get single-play for that, let alone TV and Internet

$90 for electric - well, they live somewhere warm since they aren't paying for heating. $90 isn't paying for cooking, hot water, and A/C unless that very inexpensive house/apt it VERY well insulated.

And "other" of $100/month. Clothing, gasoline!!!, various repairs, must also include food since that isn't anywhere else.