Wednesday 24 July 2013

Hypocrisy.........................from Rico

When Julian Assange and Ed Snowden disseminate the TRUTH about how our 'public servants' are screwing us all, it's somehow a hanging offense.

- Skip the trial. By defending the great unwashed, they have betrayed the ubermenschen and our would-be masters. Off with their heads!

But, when our 'public servants' destroy our personal privacy along with our other Constitutional Rights...that's somehow OK.

And then, there is this Weiner guy (a Clinton-connected Democrat) who is about as sick as you can imagine. A serious candiate to attend Bohemian Grove, if you ask me. Mayor of New York? Bloomie had better watch his ass, or he'll have a Weiner in it!

- Just ask Huma, of Huma bondage!

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