
Sunday, 7 July 2013

Cast your vote: George Zimmerman guilty or innocent?...from TPC

Cast your vote on whether George Zimmerman is guilty or innocent and if guilty deserves to do jail time.


Anonymous said...

Guilty. He approached a boy who was running to get away from him. He initiated a fight. The boy kicked his ass for starting with him, getting in his face, and hitting him. Zimmerman couldn't handle it, so he shot Martin, claiming self-defense. You can't claim self-defense if you start trouble. If Zimmerman really believed he did it in self-defense, why didn't he opt out of trial by using the Florida's Provision aka Stand Your Ground? The reason is that he knew that he was guilty as hell and would've went to jail for the rest of his life. So, he went to trial to try to get off on a legal loophole. If he gets acquitted, there will be riots and George Zimmerman will have to sleep with one eye open, as his murder is soon to follow. If he goes to jail, he's gonna wind up like Dahmer did in jail. Either way, his family needs to prepare for his funeral. Sad but true reality. I don't agree with all of this hatred. But, honestly, Blacks are tired of being discriminated against, which is why they fight an oppose. Can you blame them?

Anonymous said...

That above statement shows true black on white prejudice.... First of all. Everyone that says he is guilty..i guarantee if you were the ones laying on the ground getting your head bashed against the concrete you would do whatever it takes to not loose your life. Second...we need neighborhood watch simply because crime is worse then ever in the united states..way to many thugs in this Travon's...

Anonymous said...

It seems to me that the evidence for the prosecution is very thin but many of the media outlets seem to lack objectivity which I find very problematic. Nancy Grace as well as others seem to prey on the sensitive nature of a young boy being killed. Yes it is tradgic but as journalists they let too many emotions into their commentary, further polarizing people paying attention the case. Those looking at the facts and understand the law feel that GZ is not guilty of murder. People who let their emotions take over feel GZ is guilty as sin. Too many people hear the media rhetoric wich further cements their beliefs. If GZ is found not guilty I fear what the repercussions will be. My advice to journalists is just report the facts.

Unknown said...

I think George Zimmerman is innocent, I've been watching the trial since day one, haven't missed a minute, prosecuters are presenting the jury with too many theories and keep changing their stratergy, makes me believe they don't even know the truth.

Unknown said...

Innocence. Absolutely not evidence to his conviction

Anonymous said...