
Sunday 9 June 2013

The Sunday Best...............

My First Fist-Fight in the Navy

Asteroid whizzes past Earth

Free gun initiative begins in Houston neighborho​od

A Government Out Of Control

IRS employee: Washington showed "unprecede​nted interest" in Tea Party groups

Woman Stops Eating to Try to Live on Sunlight & Water

Would the Marketplac​e Fairness Act lead to. less taxes?

Test confirms mystery pendant likely from ValuJet crash


Meeting With Xi Jinping Morphs into Weekend with the Boys

Michelle Sends Regrets to Chinese First Lady

PM: Israel can't rely on outside sources for its security

and finally.............

A 'family blog' update


  1. Thanks for the 'family blog' link, big guy. Whether they're big or little, public or private, blogs are always a kick. Nice to see yours is still at it, although I'd re-mention how much of it is missing on a 1024-wide monitor. You really ought to try to dig up a Wordpress whiz who can change the width from pixels to percent. Or maybe you can't edit source files on a Blogger account? Whatever. The site content still looks okay but the whole right sidebar is gone.

    Stay loose, goose!

  2. thanks for the link

    I was afraid that I had included too many bouncing boobs but nobody has complained

    have a good one
