Tuesday 18 June 2013

Some "Must Not's" for you....................from Rico

Here we are, Day one of the monthly FOMC reading of the economic entrails, and everyone from the 'Plunge Protection Team' to the Money Honeys of FTV are all atwitter trying to 'read' what the FED will 'read' on their Day 2 announcement.

- Meh!

In that spirit,here are some "Must Nots" to keep in mind:

- Obviously, on the paper craps table otherwise known as the COMEX, their mantra continues to be "Must. Not. Embarass. the. Fed." Nothing like an algo-driven faux selling event to keep the Chairman's spirits up!

- Another one is "Must. Save. the. Banks." Yes, that's right. We must-must-must save the Banks from themselves. Keep dumping your Benny Bucks into the Banks to become unsecured creditors of those banks (recent legislation has changed 'depositors' into 'unsecured creditors' in line behind the secured bond holders) who will be required to "bail-in" those banks soon. This is why the smart money is 'bailing-out' of their positions in the banks, they KNOW suckers with money-in-the-bank get to 'lose' 50-80-pick a % of their deposits (hahahahaha, forgive me...I still remember the Cypriot dry run of this deal) when the 'bail-in' happens [read: when the customers get to cover the bank's losses; for Muppets the key word is WHEN and not IF.]

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