Wednesday 19 June 2013


Lendal Tower where curiosity killed the cat

'Bout those senior leaders...

BLACKFIVE: I Guess If General Dempsey Says So...

Bill Ayers: Let's face it, Obama should be on trial for war crimes

Captive in Kuwait: Contract dispute leaves 100 Americans stranded on US Army bases

The Loss of Trust - Thomas Sowell

Rush Limbaugh: Crony Capitalism​, Big Money Behind GOP Amnesty Push

Swedish intelligence concerned about Syrian jihadists

BLACKFIVE: Juno, and the Juno Beach Centre

Reminder: Oil & gas have been a saving a grace of the Obama "recovery"

BLACKFIVE: Defense Budget - Feathering fighter bird nests?

Organizing for Action gathers a whopping three people for gun-contro​l rally in California

Another Car We Can’t Buy

The G-8 Goes Obama Casual

UN Special Envoy Confirms Dire Situation In Libya

Posh Ottawa neighbourhood deporting squirrels across border into Quebec

Berlin Speech: Obama to Make Plea for Nuclear Disarmament

Reporter who brought down Stanley McChrystal dies in car crash

Afghanistan analysis: talks promise to be complex, long and messy

EagleSpeak​: The "Evolving" Littoral Combat Ship Saga

1 comment:

Toejam said...

"Another Car We Can’t Buy"

Nor would most Americans even if it were available. It's a no brainer for a couple of reasons:


1) The Diesel engine.

2) The Manual transmission.

1) I only knew one person who dared to by a diesel Oldsmobile back in 1980 when GM were installing them in Cadillacs, Olds and Pontiacs. The Olds sounded like it had 1,000 ball bearings rolling around in a 55 gallon drum when it idled and worse when reved up. Diesel fuel for cars is difficult to get in many areas. Plus they're difficult to start in sub-zero temperatures.

2) The majority of Americans can't and don't want to learn to drive "stick" (manual). It's labor intensive and difficult to use in heavy commuter traffic. Besides shifting would interfere with the kids texting and cellphone calls.