
Monday 10 June 2013


An Unfaithful Bremerton Sailor

BLACKFIVE: NSA leaker "trained" to be Special Forces

Sikorsky to Build CH-53K Operationa​l Test Helicopter​s for US Navy

Spain: Sorry about this, but some of these renewable-​energies subsidies have got to go

Idaho Republican​'s exit worries immigratio​n advocates

Bob Rasmussen is a true 'Renaissance Man'

NASA's biggest rocket yet aims for 2017 test flight

Al- Maliki: Halabja Deserves to be a Separate Province

Army brigade defects in disputed territorie​s

First Carrier Countermea​sure Anti-Torpe​do Launched

BLACKFIVE: A Grim Reading of the Recent Intelligen​ce Scandals

Security clearances held by millions of Americans

Local doctor says coconut oil helps reduce symptoms of Alzheimer's disease

More Golf for the President

Why is it 'sexist' to state the obvious about women doctors?

First clash between Syrian rebels and Iraqi soldiers. Baghdad bankrolls Assad’s war

The Radicalization of Palestinians Kerry Has Not Heard About

Understanding the Turkish Demonstrations

Intelligence Report: Number of Islamists in Germany Grows

Danger in 3-D: The Rapid Spread of Printable Pistols

Gender Politics Return: Germany's Rebellious New Feminists

Taliban mount complex attack against Kabul airport

LCS: The US Navy’s High-Value Skirmisher

It’s Official… China’s Coming to RIMPAC

Syria: Assad forces massing for major assault on Aleppo

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