Tuesday 18 June 2013

Meaningles​s "chatter'........................from Rico

FTV, the financial media, and other economic ignorati like rugma are again "chattering" about the FED pulling back from it's $85 billion per month bond buying [read: debt monetization].

It's a lot like an investor 'talking his book' (eg. Soros saying Gold is in a 'bubble' publicly, while quietly and privately buying Gold), only in this case it's 'solving' a debt problem by creating more debt.

They may call it by a different name to make it 'sound' like something other than what it really is (you know the routine by now: call it the 'Patriot Act' instead of treason, or the 'Affordable Care Act' instead of you-will-pay-dearly for this, and other legislative frauds ad nauseum), but there is absolutely NO FREAKING WAY they can walk away from the monster they have created without completely crashing this increasingly fragile house of cards.

In simple terms, they are all lying.

- Q: How do I know?

- A: Easy, their lips are moving!

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