
Wednesday 19 June 2013

Late News.................

CDR Salamander​: Boy, You're Just Whistling Dixie!

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un gave out copies of Adolf Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' to officials

Cardinal George Refuses Gay Activist Communion, Lesbian Cantor Brings Host to Him Anyway

TWA Flight 800 investigat​ors break silence in new documentar​y, claim original conclusion about cause of crash is wrong

Wounded Warrior Project In Not So Many Words Admits It Is Anti Gun

Living in Fear: Welcome to Fascist America

Columbia's Cons: Ivy League social work program run by team of former prisoners

Special Ops General Concerned with 'Culture, Social Behavior' Aspects of Women in Combat

White House Blows the Berlin Speech

Taxpayer interests cropped out of the farm bill

Nobody home at the White House but the Tea Party

Russian marine and air power head for Syria versus Western intervention – “to defend Russian citizens,” says Moscow

Ya'alon: Iran should be forced to choose between nuclear weapons or survival

Brazil to deploy National Security troops against protesters

Scientism, Despotism, Blackmail and The New Carbon Dioxide Regulations

U.K. Girl Guides remove God reference from pledge

Rhyming History: Russia Repeats USSR’s Errors

Soft Power: A U.S.-China Battleground?

Sometimes, like on Syria, if you can't agree on what to do, it's best just to shut up and do your own thing

Sunbathers out in baking Alaska

Pipe waits on the prairie as Keystone XL debate rages almost 5 years

Allan Wall -- Amnesty Must be Defeated - How You Can Help

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