Thursday 13 June 2013

Late News....................

Worried about peeping flying drones? Defenses coming on line

ICE vs. Obama on Deportatio​ns

Congressma​n Tweets: "I Saw IRS Agents Training With AR-15's" At DHS Facility

Justices rule human genes cannot be patented

Captain Spends 13 Hours Coming Up With Cool Operation Name, 15 Minutes Planning Mission

Obama Includes Evangelica​l Christians on List of Religious Extremists

Caterpilla​r drops Boy Scout support over gay ban

Tenn. judge issues dress code for female lawyers

Georgia closes 3 bases in Helmand after suicide attack kills 7 soldiers

The 'Very Serious' Tradition of the Internal Revenue Service

Sebelius: Kids 'So Far Behind' by 3rd Grade 'May As Well Drop Out'

Obama: Lincoln is “My Favourite President”

Newtown Families Back in Town; Meeting With Obama, Biden

Ailes on Benghazi: Where Was Our Commander-in-Chief?

Constitutional Standoff: Obama Syndicate vs. the People

Robert Mugabe fast tracks Zimbabwe election laws

Khamenei's shadow looms larger than any candidate's

How Sicily’s Mafia plotted to conduct hits with drones

Dog Disease Infecting Tigers, Making Them Fearless

TVA slowing work, cutting jobs at Bellefonte Nuclear plant, project's future being assessed

Huntsville may spend $1.2M on two new homes for Redstone Arsenal generals

Rep. Mo Brooks says President Obama 'has breached the public's trust'

Achilles, the Tortoise, and the Deficit

Shoot The Messenger

BLACKFIVE: What To Do With A Few Thousand Used Bunkers?

Cimitirul Vesel or the Merry Cemetery in Romania is filled with darkly humorous graves

Zimmerman jurors to be sequestere​d up to a month

Argghhh! The Home Of Two Of Jonah's Military Guys.. - Ayup

BLACKFIVE: The IRS has a SWAT team?

CDR Salamander​: Even Empty Gestures Tell Stories

Oh, by the way: ObamaCare might not be affordable for low-wage workers after all

WaPo: Gun-contro​l Democrats paying price, not gun-rights Republican​s

Experts wonder: Did Snowden commit treason?

Pelosi on Gosnell, late-term abortion, and faith: This is sacred ground to me

Ration cards replaced with smartcards and poverty records 20% in Iraq

US F-16s, Patriot missiles to stay in Jordan after drill - official

Women to join Kirkuk police

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