
Wednesday 12 June 2013

It stops being a theory when it becomes fact......................from Rico

It stops being a 'conspiracy theory' when it becomes established fact.

Last night it was revealed that FX trading was manipulated (rigged) to profit off customers.

Here is a summary of KNOWN market manipulations to date (it's getting hard to keep track of them without a scorecard):

- LIBOR. interest rates.

- ISDAfix.swaps.

- Platts. oil prices.

- WM/Reuters. FX (money markets).

- High Frequency Trading. equities.

Gee, it's sure a good thing that the Gold and Silver markets aren't manipulated, and transparent price discovery is allowed free of intervention from Central Banks or Bullion Banks!

Then there is that other manipulated creature called government. Repeat after me: NSA, IRS, DHS, DOJ, HHS, ad nauseam.

- The WHAT is being reported (Echelon, Prism, Viper, Trapwire, Main Core) while the WHY is not discussed (foreign enemy threat lists have been replaced by domestic political dissidents lists...anyone who does not agree with the regime or it's Marxist coup d'etat of the American Republic).

Forget all about that 4th Amendment, or any of the other Amendments...or even the Magna Carta. "We're from the government, and we're here to protect you! Welcome to your camp!"

- Subjects of the United Stasi of America, obviously eager to get 'up to speed' by reading the handbook for their new dystopian surveillance state, have driven Amazon sales of Orwell's book "1984" to surge 6,884% in the past 24 hours. You'd think that "fundamental transformation" was being viewed as consonant with Solzhenitsyn's "gulag" revelations.

It is worth remarking that fish (and markets, and governments) ROT FROM THE HEAD DOWN.

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