
Sunday 9 June 2013

Fighting Words.......................from Dan Friedman

"I call on the Western democracies, and primarily the leader of the Free World, the United States, do not repeat the dreadful mistake of 1938 when Europe sacrificed Czechoslovakia. Do not try to appease the Arabs at our expense."
"Israel will not be Czechoslovakia. Israel will fight terrorism"
--PM Ariel Sharon, 6 October, 2001
[Tragically, Gaza turned out to be Sharon’s personal Czechoslovakia and “sacrificing” it to the Arabs had the effect he predicted. It remains to be seen whether Israelis have finally learned their lesson, or will they repeat their mistake on an even grander scale? df]
Israel Hayom, 6/7/13
By Dror Eydar
1. Europe is on fire. It has been for some time. Roughly half a century after World War II, it is being conquered, by degrees, with no battle. That last terrible war destroyed the national idea and made Western-style democracy vulnerable to the dangers that threaten its existence with no real ability to cope with them.

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