
Thursday 20 June 2013

FED prevents wasting money...................from Rico

There was a stonking epic flailex in global markets overnight post the latest FOMC statement.

Addicted to QEasy money, the mere HINT that they might someday, maybe, slow down the 'juice' while (a) clearly NOT slowing down, (b) cannot really slow down, and (c) did NOT SAY they would slow down anytime soon...the world's markets went absolutely batshit crazy and there was a 5% overnight boodbath. WTF?

Get this, it is simple. Obvious.

1. There will be NO tapering.

2. There is NO exit strategy.

3. There is more QE ahead.

On the bright side of things, it looks like the FED has effectively moved from punishing savers and investors to proactively preventing everyone from 'wasting' half of their money by 'vaporizing' it.

This morning is a classic example of why we should immediately END THE FED.

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