
Friday 21 June 2013

A 'reminder' for you.................from Rico

The first attachment is a small 'reminder' for those who may need it today of just why Gold and Silver are not worthless, or even worth less.

- It is also a BIG financial billboard of why the FED is no longer very relevant.

Speaking of about the COMEX?

- This paper scam is almost out of bullion, yet it continues to print claim certificates against assets it no longer has.

Hey, wait a minute! That's exactly what the FED has been doing!

So Gold may yet hit an artificial paper 'price' of $1200 and Silver an equally false paper 'price' of $18 but this looks like a setup where NO AMOUNT of paper money will be enough to buy physical bullion......

- I still give great credence to Marc Faber's remark that: 'You keep your dollars, and I'll keep my Gold, and we'll see which one goes to zero first.'

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