Tuesday 9 April 2013


Elf’s, Safety, and an old Sea Dog!

Good Googly Moogly Batman!

D.C. Hate Crime Hoax: White Aunt Jemima

EagleSpeak​: North Korea: Quote of the Day

Obama budget to cut missile-de​fense spending

Border Blackout -- Media keeps truth from Americans

How Thatcher was "freakishl​y correct" about the euro

Gun-rights testimony from a communism survivor: "You don't know what freedom is, because you've never lost it"

Small businesses increasing​ly looking to avoid the employer mandate

NYU website encourages students to have sex in campus Catholic Center

Army Reserve training material: Evangelica​ls, Catholics are extremist groups

Illegal resident convicted of public assistance fraud

Blues Grounded Again This Week

Airman flies Osprey after relearning to walk

Military muscle added to Mobile Bay oyster restoration effort at the mouth of Weeks Bay

JetBlue announces interest in Mobile-made Airbus aircraft; public officials woo company to fly out of Alabama

Airbus CEO Fabrice Bregier: 'Thanks to Mobile, the sun will never set on Airbus'

Jimmy Carter: "Human Rights" For Inhuman Beasts

Yossi Reshef: The night ignorance and evil beat me

US Navy laser cannon shoots down drone in latest test

Iran opens new uraniam mines and yellowcake plant

Eurozone no longer biggest threat to Asia

Newtown Family Members to Get AF1 Ride to DC to Lobby

Unmasking the Globalists behind the Cyprus Confiscation (Bail-In) Model

Syrian Army ousts rebels from E. Damascus, lifts threat to capital

Obama to Push Saudi “Destroy Israel” Peace Plan

Obama Overrides Congress to Buy $690 Million Worth of Russian Choppers for Afghan Air Force

Obama Inc. Bows to North Korean Threats, Claims It Isn’t Bowing to North Korean Threats

Muslim Persecution of Christians Escalating in Pakistan

Pyongyang warns foreigners to evacuate S. Korea

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