Monday 8 April 2013


Going to war over an inconvenient truth…

Cases Of Medically Non-Redepl​oyable Soldiers On The Rise

Republican lawmakers wonder: Why are BeyoncĂ© and Jay-Z vacationin​g in Cuba?

ATF pulls license of one particular gun shop

Syrian oil industry falling to rebels

How Much Gold Is There in the World?

Police say robber tried, failed to rob two banks three blocks apart

Washington Media: Nobody Home

Jupiter Moon's Volcanoes Are in Wrong Spot, Scientists Say

Clinton Pal Sued for Giving Woman Herpes

Dark Matter: Has the Universe's Deepest Secret Been Cracked?

New Research Shows That a Major Volcanic Explosion Millions of Years Ago Led to a Major Extinction Wave

Sheriff Joe Posse; High-Profi​le Source Turns Over New Obama Fraud Evidence

Gay Connecticut couple accused of raping adopted children will face trial

The 7 Most Hilariousl​y Bad Arguments for Gay Marriage

The adolescent police commissioner

Montana 'You kill it, you grill it'

The AP Capitulates to the Muslim Brotherhood on narrative

Abbas schedules Palestinian "civil intifada” for April 15, to peak during peace talks

America’s Foes Call Obama’s Bluff

Moses' Gift: Israel Could Use Gas to Its Advantage

Barack Obama blames US Navy for increased North Korean tensions

North Korea and the Fallacy of Accidental Wars

China’s Changing Oil Calculus

On the Border - China confirms military exercises near N. Korean border

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