Monday 8 April 2013

MSNBC Radical Melissa Harris-Perry Says Your Kids Belong to the State

This lady is truly a freak: "MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry: Children Are Collective Responsibility":

I think we're reaching a point in American politics where members of the progressive left are badly overreaching due to a perception of total liberation from the normal constraints of politics. As we saw with Krystal Ball, the left has no problem using 4-year-old children to spread homosexual marriage propaganda. In Ball's case, as least she was using her own child. But with Harris-Perry, the implication is that families are selfishly hoarding their children, denying to the state privately-minded generational capital that should instead be a proper public resource. For if children belong to the collective --- as in communal ownership --- then everyone is legally responsible for their education and well being, and political leaders can forcibly extract even more revenues for financing their education and welfare. This is socialist collectivism at its finest. And it's clearly un-American in the U.S. historical context.
More at the link.

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