Monday 8 April 2013

Demographi​c Time Bomb is a Dud......................from Dan Friedman

One of the principle propaganda techniques used by the Left here and in Israel is to position Israel’s problems as having only one possible (leftist) solution. Case in point, the Left in Israel created the “Demographic Time Bomb,” and they’ve used it successfully since Oslo to force many Israelis to think inside the box: Create a separate Arab state within Israel or be overwhelmed by a rising tide of Arabs and lose Israel’s Jewish and democratic character. There is no other way out.
For my money, the answer is found by adding a simple amendment to Israel’s foundational documents: “Israel is for the Jewish people, by the Jewish people and of the Jewish people,” case closed.
But now comes new data which defuses the “Time Bomb” altogether and blows up in the Left’s face.
Anyone suggesting that Jews are doomed to become a minority west of the Jordan River is either dramatically mistaken or outrageously misleading.

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