Monday 8 April 2013

Better thanks to Barry!..........................from Rico

Things are all better, Thanks to Barry!

- That's been his #1 priority (right after a full schedule of celebrity golf and endless luxus vacations)...Barry makes it Better. Repeat after me, and drink the nice koolaid!

You doubt this?

Thanks to Barry and his buddies, the US is now so wealthy and well-off, fewer and fewer people have to work!

- Surely this is a good thing.

If you had to choose between:

- Fortunate and do not HAVE to work.

- Unfortunate and cannot FIND work.

- Stupid & lazy and see no NEED to work because Barry will take care of them.


This chart could not possibly reflect a dead economy and a lower standard of living!

- Ignore the 101 million working-age Americans who do not have a job.

- Believe the latest BS from the BLS that claims "unemployment" has fallen slightly to 7.6% (wile John Willams of ShadowStats...who calculates it the 'old' way before the government adopted blatant LYING says it is now 22.9%).

Yup! Yessiree Bob! Americans are now so well-off there's no NEED to work!

And as a homage to Margaret Thatcher (requiem in pacem) one of my favorite quotes from her:

"Pennies don't fall from heaven, they have to be earned here on earth."

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