
Friday 8 March 2013

Totally "normal" NFP day on the CRIMEX..................from Rico

As expected, and per Cartel SOP, the paper spot markets were 'coincidentally' monkey-hammered by the criminal manipulators at the release of the fauf NFP numbers. A totally 'normal' NFP day on the CRIMEX, as the HFT algo's harvested many "stops" in the centrally-planned "new normal" of America's rigged markets. For anyone believing ANY of the fraudulent, fake, and/or 'cooked' numbers emanating out of Washington, New York, or Chicago (or who has bought the lie of 'recovery') cash offers are being accepted for a really swell bridge in Brooklyn. It does look like 'some' people are getting wise to the paper bullion scams that are GLD and SLV, however, as physical demand for bullion begins to strain supply and the 'owners' of paper bullion realize they are only owners of pretty pieces of paper backed by no promises to pay (kinda like fiat).

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