
Monday 4 March 2013

Sequester? No, cut! This is creepy................from Rico

What can be expected when people are too dumbed-down by the education system to understand that 'sequester' does NOT mean budgets are being 'cut' and all USG budgeted entities wll have more money to spend than they did the year's how the 'system' of baseline budgeting is set get more to spend each year whether or not you spent all of last year's budget. [We used to call the end-of-year rush to spend unspent funds the end-of-year 'money dump trucks.'] - Sequester simply means that if an agency 'expected' a 10% increase in annual funding, but would only see a 5% increase in funding, voila! This is consdered a 5% cut! Oh, the hardship! - Let's consider some things that need to be completely CUT...starting with the Nazi-esque Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Now for the "progressively" creepy part (pun intended). I just read an article headlined "DHS getting 2,700 light tanks." - What? During our present financial troubles? I had to read it...if DHS buying billions of hollow-point anti-personnel rounds, drones in the skies of America, and No Such Agency databasing everyone's electronic communications forever wasn't creepy enough...just how creepy is adding light tanks to the domestic police state? The headline was a bit misleading. This is actually worse than I thought. DHS has had the Army's Central Forces Command convert 2,717 MRAP's for use on America's streets. - The Mine Resistant Armor Protected (hence MRAP) vehicles have gun ports along each side...perfect for sweeping the streets. We sure could have used them during my days in Iraq, but we didn't have them then. My point? America was a nation founded by geniuses, now largely populated by morons, and currently run by Stalinist-Marxists.

1 comment:

  1. I am more curious by the fact that Navistar was passed up by .mil on these MRAPs but DHS bought them after navistar moved their operation to Chicago. Put that in your conspiracy pipe and smoke it.
