
Monday 18 March 2013

Russian Navy-Cypru​s-EUrobank​sta's..............from Rico

I doubt that very many will remember the prominent disply of Russian Warships behind the 4-star admiral giving a 'tribute' to veterans at the 2012 DNC. - It's almost 'touching' how loyal America's Communists remain to the former-Red Fleet and the former-CCCP. Not as 'touching' as the EUrobanksta's reaching-out and stealing the deposits on Cyprus was though. - This is very much like throwing a cement block to a drowning person instead of a life ring and calling it a "rescue" (while the EUrobanksta's pocket the looted wealth of Cyprus behind the scenes, demonstrating that whether one is Greek, Cypriot, Italian, Spanish, Portugeuse, or...well, you get the idea by now...except for the EMU financial overlords, ALL are mere EUropeons). So, back to the Russian navy. - I wonder where they will base their fleet in Cyprus?

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