
Monday 4 March 2013

Obama & Sequester: A Moral for Israel?.....................from Dan Friedman

[Ducking, prevaricating, bullying and cocking around until the damage is done; these are the modi operandi Americans have grown accustomed to from Barack Obama. After observing over four years of this man’s shtick, Israelis need to ask themselves whether he’s playing the same game with them when it comes to Iran and “Peace.” df]
WaPo, March 3, 2013
By Jennifer Rubin
The White House’s behavior throughout the sequester process has been baffling to some. Until Friday’s news conference mainstream media never showed much skepticism about the reams of scare stories being passed around. And if not for Bob Woodward, not a single news outlet would have reported the origin of the sequester. (Think about the level of negligence involved on that point alone.) Whether on account of bias or ineptitude, media haven’t been very good at extracting the truth until quite recently.

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