
Wednesday 6 March 2013

NO, it's NOT.......................from Rico

NO, it's NOT different this time. Enjoying the quite hilarious 'headlines' of the Dow at all-time highs? Consider that the Dow is down ~50% vs. Gold snce the last "record Dow" in October 2007. Despite the FED 'creating' $118 million/hour [that's $85 billion/year for morons like Congresscritters and the OMB]: - Stock prices may be rocketing to new nominal high's, but the economy remains in a deleveraging cycle, wages and salaries as a percentage of GDP are declining, housing remains depressed, energy is increasingly expensive, employment remains in the dumper, and food stamp use keeps increasing. This is not the foundation fr a recovery o a strong is classic 'spin' or MOPE (management of perception economics). - An illuson. A fantasy. A lie. Oh, I almost forgot....with this DJIA 'all-time high' chatter from the teleprompter readers, more suckers are being lured into the market while the 'insiders' are busy bailing-out of it.

1 comment:

  1. You do not want to invest much more than about 5% of your portfolio in gold. Owning gold exclusively or having a very high percentage of your portfolio in gold is just asking for trouble. Gold is just a commodity and its price can drop as fast as any other commodity. What's driving the gold price up is the fear that the gold marketers have been able to spread.

    Spread your risk among other investments so that if one declines, others may balance the decline with an increase. That is the concept behind mutual funds. No, I am not a seller of mutual funds. I'm a middle aged guy just starting retirement that doesn't want to see someone get hurt with the current hysteria over owning gold.

    There is little difference between putting all your investment eggs into the gold basket and putting all your money into a single company stock. Remember what happen to the Enron employees that were 100% invested in their company stock. Those that didn't transfer their stock portfolio into the general market were literally wiped out when Enron went belly up. Don't get caught in a similar circumstance.
