
Tuesday 5 March 2013


Here’s the Thing, Mongolian Bling

Bob Woodward is a limp noodled tool of barack obama .... and, proved it in public ....

California​, net exporter of residents

Argghhh! The Home Of Two Of Jonah's Military Guys.. - Pay attention to your surroundin​gs

US Military Begins Annual Exercise 'Enduring Freedom'

CDR Salamander​: Sequestor ... where's the outrage?!?

BLACKFIVE: Plans to invade Canada proceed

Tough neighborho​od

Navy cancels Blue Angels April schedule

Sequestageddon by Mark Steyn

FBI Benghazi Survivor Interviews Delivered to Senate Intel Committee

Homeland Defense and MRAPs

Frank Gaffney, Jr. - Putting politics over public safety

Iraqi forces attack FSA positions inside Syria

W. Salem man accidentally killed by AR-15 he had just stolen

Oregon Gun Control Rally In Ultra-Liberal Eugene Draws Only 20 People

76 years later, experts say static electricit​y was to blame

Another firearms manufactur​er considers leaving its home over restrictiv​e gun laws

Senators strike deal on gun traffickin​g

With Passover Approaching, a Plague of Locusts Descends Upon Egypt

Living the good life off government benefits

Obama a 'dithering control freak'

US calls for ban on drunk diplomats at UN debates

‘War weary’ Taliban may form political party

Palestinians' Double-Standards Exposed Again

Obama’s Billion-Dollar Giveaway to the Muslim Brotherhood

China Defends Military Spending as Promoting Global Peace

Russian nuclear forces hold large exercise involving movement of strategic and tactical warheads

Russia and Israel each warn trouble building up on Golan border

Fighting and Fallout in Sabah

Carney: My President has No Set Price!

Would you buy a used manifesto promise from this lot?

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